After a warm spring and early summer, steady weather prevailed, producing promising quality. Washington vintners are calling 2016 the longest harvest they can remember. The extended season allowed their grapes to ripen slowly, with early reports indicating a good vintage, especially for the state's Cabernet Sauvignon. Continue »
Harvest. For winemakers, no other word is loaded with so much potential and anticipation. After a long growing season of endless work in the vineyards, it's time to see what nature delivered. On the West Coast in 2013, most vintners are reporting a great year, a twin to the promising 2012...American winegrowers in the Pacific Northwest are reporting a long, pleasant growing season. The only dim spot was Oregon’s Willamette Valley, where late rains threatened the Pinot Noir. As for final quality in the bottle, it's too early to know, but here's a sneak peek... Continue »
In the second of five 2014 vintage reports, American vintners report good harvests on both the East Coast and the Pacific Northwest. In Washington and Oregon, sunshine was abundant and harvest came early. In Virginia and New York state, winter was brutal, but most vines survived and produced good fruit. Continue »