Join me at Shoehound for a wine tasting of 3 different Eagle Foothills Vineyards. Continue »
We're making plans for our 10 year anniversary... Continue »
A Preview of Spring in the Vineyard Continue »
Join Us At Heritage Park, 185 E State St Eagle ID 83616, SAT OCT 14TH, 930AM-300PM, for Eagle’s Final Eagle Market Of Year! Wines For Tasting, By The Glass, and Retail Bottle Sale!... Continue »
Great Wine Tasting Event In Store This Wednesday Evening, 5-7PM, With One Of Our Favorite Eagle Haunts, Rembrandt’s @ 93 S Eagle Road, Eagle ID 83616 !... Continue »
Idaho grape growers celebrated the close of a tumultuous harvest season. Grape crop yields were drastically less than those of 2014. Many growers attribute this to a precipitous decline in average temperatures during November of 2014, in which hard freezes severely restricted future crop potential crop for 2015. Continue »
The 2016 Idaho wine grape crop is rebounding after a negligible harvest in 2015. A November 2014 freeze sharply reduced the amount of wine grapes available for the 2015 vintage. A tremendous amount of work went in to reconstituting vineyards damaged from the Fall freeze. As a result, growers and vintners experienced 50-100% increases in crop yields in 2016 over those of 2015. Continue »
Hiding behind the foothills north of Eagle is an area filled with poor soil, sandy loam, and few marks of a prime agricultural area. Despite an environment that would be hostile to many varieties of agriculture, it’s just what many varieties of popular wine grapes love, and they’re thriving at 3 Horse Ranch Vineyards. The resulting wines have been stellar, with the winery capturing about a dozen awards for the different varieties made from the grapes growing on this unlikely fertile plain. But the secret of this hidden gem — and about a dozen other vineyards in the region — is about to be revealed... Continue »
Greg Koenig, who owns and operates Koenig Vineyards in Idaho’s Sunnyslope Wine District, also heads up the winemaking program for 3 Horse Ranch Vineyards... Continue »